Is the Workshop Right for You?
We keep our groups small, with a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 women to encourage group discussion. The day is semi-structured, leaving plenty of room for sharing stories and airing questions and concerns.
We begin the workshop by asking participants to fill out a Current Life Inventory to help clarify which areas are satisfactory and which are not; the results serve as backdrop for identifying and envisioning future goals and activities. We’ve created a sequence to the day - focusing on past, present and future - that allows each participant to walk through key steps to discovering: “what’s next for me?”. We encourage group members to speak as openly as they can about what this time of transition is like for them, and take care to create a safe atmosphere that allows for this kind of sharing.
At the end of the day, we ask participants to identify specific goals that they want to work towards that would make their lives feel more meaningful and give them a sense of purpose. In the half-day follow-up workshop (which we strongly encourage), we follow up on these goals to see whether they were acted upon and/or what obstacles might have gotten in the way.

Get In Touch
To learn how we can help support you
through this transition to your next stage: